Would an instant support network of service providers that understand the military lifestyle be a game-changer for you? Let us know!
Imagine a world where instead of rebuilding your support network with every life change, you could instantly plug into a community of vetted and verified service providers that want to help and understand the military lifestyle.
That is the future that GetSidekicks is building: an instant support network for military families.
The platform's mission is to build a global network of military-affiliated service providers — starting with child care.
While GetSidekicks is currently focused on serving specific locations, the goal is to eventually support families wherever they are stationed, both CONUS and OCONUS.
Today, GetSidekicks helps you build a “Care Squad,” a trusted group of service providers ready to assist you, no matter what military life throws your way.
Let us know if you want us to put your installation on our roadmap by completing the form on this page.
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Stationed at or near JBLM? Good news, you can sign up now.

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